I hope you had a beautiful weekend filled with much love and laughter!

I, for one, enjoyed some amazing weather and shot videos for my 4-week course Take Control of Your Money. This content is seriously AMAZING! I’m so excited for the people who have already committed to join me for 4-weeks of coaching! It inspires me to up my game and go above and beyond!!!

Today, I’ve got a challenge for you!

It was inspired from a HUGE shift I experienced this weekend!
I woke up Sunday ready to take on my day and was crazy productive!
Everything felt clear. Despite having a TON on my plate, I knew my next steps every single time.
It was the most clear, peaceful, and excited I’ve felt in awhile.

So how’d that happen?
What was my secret????

I share in today’s Mastery Monday video….

If you want to feel lighter, take on this challenge NOW! 

Hit reply and tell me how it’s going.


PS – It’s not too late to get help with your money mindset! Join before April 21st to get some sweet bonuses. You can check it out here.


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