I was a graduate student just starting to seriously think about my final project – the one piece of work to sum up my five years of classes (I worked full time and took one a semester) and what I’m really all about.

No pressure.

uncwA final project, rather than a research based thesis, meant that I could choose something that really spoke to me. Something personal. A creative expression even.

I would write. Naturally.

But what?

Going through a divorce and feeling that itch to break free from my desk job, I could feel the momentum of life pushing me into a new direction.

The desires were getting stronger and harder to ignore.

I had paid the money to join Marie Forleo’s BSchool a year prior and was building my confidence to finally “make that leap.”

But could I really make it in the online space?

I thought so. But was terrified.

So when the final project for my master’s degree came around, I took the opportunity to start a blog.

I would get to write, begin to build the foundation for an online business, and complete my final project for a degree.


I needed a website. And it needed a name.

This proved to be the toughest step in the entire process.

What name could possibly sum up me, what I’m all about, and what my life stood for in those rough days of uncertainty?

I hope I never forget when it happened…

I was out for my morning run. Just me, the lawn sprinklers, and a few geese who loved to hang around the neighborhood pond.

As the sun began to rise, my feet hit the pavement in that steady cadence – left, right, left – my breathe was already in it’s natural running rhythm – in through the nose, out through the mouth, steady.

I didn’t run with music because the darkness required me to be more alert of my surroundings, cars backing out of their driveways with drivers who are on their first cup of coffee.

So I ran. I listened.

I pondered a blog title.

I ran. I listened.

Thought some more.

My brain registered my feet under me carrying me forward one step at a time.

My heart thought about where it had been, the healing it was going through, in awe of how it didn’t completely break.

But it kept beating. Days came and went. And I kept moving.

Left. Right. Left. Right.

See the sky move from dark to royal blue.

Keep moving. Towards home. Towards another successful run. Towards the day that lies ahead.

Just keep moving.

I got this.


And there it was.

As so many times before, it all clicked when my feet were pounding the pavement. In the stillness of my surroundings. In the movement of my body.

Just keep moving – the perfect words to sum up life.

feet on beach jkomI just kept on moving forward.

Eventually I finished my run. Eventually it got easier to get out bed, work towards forgiveness, start the next chapter.

If there’s one secret to life, I believe that’s it – just keep on moving.

That was four years ago and it’s amazing how much this still rings true. How many times I remind myself of these four little words.

And I’ve found that the secret to business is the same – just keep on moving.

Through frustration, fear, questioning why in the hell you don’t just take the “easy” way and go get another job.

Just keep on moving.

You’ll get there.



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