There are a lot of different definitions of freedom.
To me, the ultimate freedom is emotionally feeling at peace NO MATTER WHAT. 

What I know to be true about peace is that it comes from within. It’s a product of your mindset.

And in order to feel that peace, you have to be able to own who you are which includes owning your voice.

In today’s Mastery Monday video, I’m sharing 2 tips on how to own your voice – 

And if you’re ready to dive into this topic on a deeper level, join me tomorrow for an interactive workshop called The Good Girl’s Guide to Owning Your Voice.

You can register by clicking here.

This is unlike any other training I’ve done in that it will be super interactive and in a workshop format designed for discovery and possibility. I hope you can join and bring a few of your friends!

Everyone says they want freedom, but freedom isn’t really about not having a boss or creating your own schedule. Freedom is about FEELING at peace with your life, decisions, and who you’re being in this world. 

If you have some work to do to feel that peace, no worries.
Join me tomorrow and stick around.
There’s so much more to discover.



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