I love watching shows where people go through massive transformation. It’s so inspiring.

And lately I’ve gotten hooked on the show Extreme Weight Loss. I mean holy cow. These people go through a year with trainers Chris and Heidi Powell and in the end, many of them lose close to 50% of their body weight.


At first I thought it was a simple guilty pleasure, but now I realize why I’m hooked.

It’s super eye opening. And motivating.

Recently I was watching an episode where a woman lost 150lbs in an year.

That means she was carrying around the equivalent of my entire body! Holy cow! That’s a lot of extra baggage to be carrying around.

And at the end, the trainer and the client focused on one thing – the fight.

Chris spoke about the excitement around being on a TV show and how motivating it is in the first month. And then around the one month mark, that excitement and the bright lights fade away. And what’s left is the work. And the fight to keep going.

When you don’t want to.

When things get hard.

Looking at that end goal and remembering that when you want to give up the fight.

And as the credits were rolling, this woman who was literally weighed down by her past decisions in her life, ended the episode by saying, “I’m so glad I chose to fight.”


And to me this fight is the recommitment. It’s the choice to say yes.

The fight is the battle between fear and going after what you want. The battle between doing the same thing in your comfort zone and stretching yourself to try something new.

It’s saying to yourself that you commit more to your desires than you do to the fear, uncomfortableness, or the past.

It’s the perfect parallel to entrepreneurship.

Because it’s all about consistency.

Consistent message. Consistent marketing. Consistent action.

That’s the secret to a successful business.

And consistency requires a daily recommitment to your goals. That no matter what happened yesterday, today you’ll get up and take the steps to make it happen.

So we all have our days and our slip ups. If you can recommit time after time that choice becomes a no brainer and that fight becomes a much easier battle.

Making the choice to recommit –

1. Make the choice
It all starts here. Do you right now in this moment make the choice to say yes? Do you make that choice to recommit to your goals and dreams? Make the choice to say yes to your goals no matter what resistance or fear comes up. Just say yes.

2. Forget the past
Today is a new day. So what if yesterday you didn’t make that choice? Today you have. When you recommit to yourself, drop the story around what may have happened in the past or the choices you made previously. Forgive yourself for taking that detour, rather than letting it weigh you down today. Today is a new day.

3. Get moving
Now that you’ve recommitted to yourself, it’s time to get moving. What one thing can you do today to move forward on your dreams? Focus on that ONE thing that will take you closer to your goals. And when you’ve completed that, ask yourself what that next ONE thing would be. Get moving and keep moving.


The fight. Consistency. Recommitment.

Anyone who’s reached their goals knows this is the formula.


So what do you need to recommit to today?

What are you willing to fight for?

What are you saying yes to?




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