Entrepreneurship by its very nature is full of risk. And where there’s risk, there’s fear.

A key trait to being a successful entrepreneur is understanding how to move through the fear and do things anyway. There’s just one caveat – how do you know that it’s fear talking in the first place?

Fear is a completely legitimate human response and it’s designed to keep us safe. Our brains are truly amazing machines meant to protect us and ensure our safety.

i trust the intelligence within meThe issue of course is when you’re an entrepreneur, you’ve got to play out of your comfort zone. This doesn’t mesh well with the brain’s intentions. So there’s a key piece to the mindset of an entrepreneur that will allow you to move through the fear and know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you’re making the right move.

That’s listening to your gut.

This comes up all of the time in business –

Should I hire that coach that I love, but I don’t really have the money for?

Should I work with that client that seems kind of difficult, but I need the money?

Should I pursue this idea because I’m really passionate about it, but I don’t really understand how it’s all going to come together?


Entrepreneurs get used to playing at a level of uncertainty and risk that the general population can’t even fathom.

So HOW do you make these decisions? And how do you make them in a way that you feel you can trust the decision you made, even if it feels scary on the outside?

You learn to distinguish between your gut and your fear.

Here are the two ways you can learn to understand which voice is your gut and which voice is your fear:

1. What’s the conversation look like?
Your gut says things very clearly and to the point. It’s a yes, a no, a do this, a don’t do that. Your gut doesn’t get into hows or trying to figure things out or playing out every scenario to it’s possible conclusion. Your gut is very clear – short and sweet.

Your fear, on the other hand, will take you down a winding road of confusion, doubt, questions, pushing, pulling, and all around crazy making. Your fear will ask you a ton of hows and have you weighing your options, looking at all sides of the issue, and trying to use your brain to figure it out. This is a clear sign that’s your fear talking.

Your gut gives you answers quickly and succinctly. It is not concerned with the how. 

2. What’s your body doing?
Your body is an amazing tool that always speaks the truth. This is why it’s so important to have a daily practice that lets you tap in from the neck down! When you learn to recognize the reactions your body has to your decisions, you can identify which are fear and which are your gut.

Which decision makes your chest tight? When are you feeling anxiety rise up through your body? Which answer makes your shoulders automatically relax? When do you feel a warmth of peace and calm deep in your belly that melts throughout the rest your body?

Your gut is calming and joyful. Your fear causes tightness and discomfort. 

It’s not unusual that we get a clear answer from our gut and then immediately our fear kicks in. Before we know it, we’re off the races and we’ve lost sight of our truth.

These two questions will lead you back to your gut so you can empower yourself to move forward in your business and in your life. Confident entrepreneurs are simply the ones who trust themselves and are clear about their decisions. They don’t always have all of the answers, but they know they can find them and will figure them out.

It all leads back to being empowered from within.


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