I’ve just returned to rainy and cold Charlotte, NC after 9 days in sunny, beautiful Jamaica. To say it’s a shock to my system is not even close to how different I’m feeling! Yowzers!

And that’s life… sometimes we just find ourselves in a funk – personal, biz, romantic or otherwise.

I’m here to say it’s all a-okay and part of the flow with life, but the danger is when you allow your vibe to linger in the blah territory for too long. It absolutely will start to affect your business.

There’s a lot out there these days with staying in your feminine and being in the flow and business not having to be so hard. But sometimes I know you’re wondering what in the hell that all means?!

I did too.

And what I’ve now discovered after several years on this entrepreneurial journey is that business really is easier when you’re in the right headspace, you’re not struggling against life and instead moving with it, and you’ve got a generally good vibe happening.

Which is why it’s SO important to know how to get yourself out of that funk and into the good vibes – stat!

Here’s what I do to keep the magic in my life when I’m feeling less than fabulous –

1. Reach out to community
This piece is SO critical and I haven’t always been the best at it. In fact, there have been periods of time in my life when I was quite depressed and I wouldn’t leave my house, much less chat with friends. Now I’ve seen the power of a true community of girlfriends and I tell ya, it’s transformational.

The Jamaican GangI’ve worked at cultivating friendships that differ in various ways and truly love each of these women for what they bring to my life. There’s my BFF from high school who knew me way back when, the single friends I talk dating and men with, the yogis who help me see things from a different perspective with loving energy, the online biz friends who I’ve never met but hold me to my commitments and keep me accountable, the ladies who will simply text me good vibes when I need them.

Who can you reach out to for support? If you’re missing these relationships in your life, how can you open up to creating this community for yourself? Are you doing the work to cultivate the connections in your life?

2. Music and movement
I’ve always loved music, but I’ve really become aware of how much it affects me. The right song at just the right moment can instantly shift me out of some blah space. I have a variety of music on throughout the day and it’s not unusual for me to take dance breaks or bust a move while fixing lunch. I believe that being in touch with our bodies is the key to creativity, happiness, and overall well being. Music allows me to bring movement into my body and tap back into my most powerful tool. Dropping out of my head can bring amazing clarity to any situation and let’s me better see the magic in the everyday.

When was the last time you put on some tunes and went a little nuts? Can you allow yourself to be carried away by the music? What do you notice about your body and mood when you come back to the present?

3. Creating my day
I’m a firm believer in creating a life you don’t need a vacation from. So I work at creating my days so that I have a flow of work and play that
green smoothie and reggae
keeps me excited and energized. Sometimes this looks like working in my bikini in Jamaica and sometimes it’s as simple as putting my green smoothie in a wine glass. I typically ensure I include some yoga or running, healthy foods I enjoy, time with Buddy, and I start everyday with a short reading from the book Journey to the Heart and journaling. It’s powerful to understand I have the ability to create my day.

How are you creating your days? Are you fitting some fun and play in with your work? How can you shift your days to be more joyful?

4. Environment
Jamaica landscape collageIn the last two years I’ve become increasingly aware of the impact environment has on my entire well being. Never was this more apparent than when I was in Jamaica. The simple awareness of this is a huge AH-HA! Now I can create an environment that best works for me and know that on days I’m feeling less than fab, I can simply shift my environment and the fog will lift. I’m in a position to live where I want so I ensure to pick spots that lift me up. And of course there are times where I’m not totally jiving with a place, so I do what I can to get comfortable in the space, find the good, and know that it won’t last forever.

What can you do to change up your environment today? Is it getting rid of clutter, buying yourself flowers, opening the windows, changing up your desk, putting a new wallpaper up on your computer screen, or something more drastic like moving?

5. Get help from my coach
Having one-on-one support has become a non-negotiable for me. I always ensure I have a personal coach I go to for whatever is going on in my life. She is part of my community, but it’s important to me to have someone who has been where I have and who can walk me through challenges in a way that differs from friends. I have someone I trust and I reach out to her in between our coaching calls for anything I need. I also make sure not to listen to the peanut gallery and go to her for straightforward, loving, and honest advice that gets me back on track every time.

What’s stopping you from getting this level of support and what can you do to resolve that block? If you have a coach, are you reaching out when you need support or are you hiding?

And there ya have it! My quick tricks for keeping my vibe high and life in flow. Somedays it simply takes a commitment to yourself and your dreams to keep pushing through, but it’s also easier when you’re in a better head space. Co-creating with the universe and enjoying the magic of life is easier when you’re feeling the good vibes.

Practice getting yourself into that space and you’ll begin to see things shift around you!


Need some extra inspiration?

Check out The Entrepreneurial Dream FREE Speaker Series. Superstar entrepreneurs are sharing how they personally overcame fear, confusion, and doubt to launch the business of their dreams (and make great money doing what they love).

Grab your seat now to catch these interviews and get a behind the scenes peek at ways experts are creating their lives with the right mindset.



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